Avast, swabbie, look alive or walk the plank

An Introduction

I am I

Craig Samuel
3 min readMar 23, 2024


I am not who I think I am, but then, none of us are who we think we are. We just have this image in what we call our mind which is what we think other people see.

The view from the boat to Catalina Island in 1955 — Author’s archive

Am I old?

I believe I’ve been around since 1951, but parts of me still think I’m only 29 years old. A couple years ago, one of those parts led me to believe I would not fall from the deck beams to the concrete ten feet away. Gravity had other ideas. I spent a month getting back on my feet, another month getting rid of the cast and the cane, and another month rebuilding muscle. I’m still a bit damaged on the balance issues, but I’d say I’m back to 99 percent.


I have been accused of being a “Stoic”. It doesn’t bother me. If I am what I am, then that’s what I’ll have to be.

I was accused of not letting things bother me at work when I was about thirty years old.
“You don’ sweat nothin’, do ya?” was how it was put to me by a fretting coworker.

I don’t fret about things I can’t do anything about. People’s opinions are one of those things. A person can’t control much outside themselves. I just try to understand.




Craig Samuel

A bit Stoic, I live in a cabin in the San Bernadino mountains. I publish fiction, poetry, and memoirs when I can. I draw on 70+ years of life experience.